Shallow Waters
Shallow Waters magazine explores two extreme cases of urbanized shallow
water territories – Markermeer/IJsselmeer in the heart of the Netherlands
and the Venetian Lagoon. One is probably the most technologically controlled
water on Earth, while the other negotiates a balance of natural water cycles,
extreme weather, and a robust tourist economy. Providing points of reflection
for similar territories where prospective sea level rise in the near future poses
urgent questions about human and more-than human cohabitation, engineering,
economy, and both ecological and social metabolisms.
Two Extreme Deltas Magazine | Venice Biennale 2021
Parallel Program to Dutch Pavillion
architect/team Lada Hršak, Ludovica Beltrami,
Juliette Gilson, Simone Spiga, Zoe Panayi
with Harm vdGeest IBED, Alice Smits, Carolyn
F. Strauss, Camilla Bertollini,
team Tagiapietra/Sigovini, Guarneri, Laura Onofri, Saline Verhoeven
microphotography Wim van Egmond
curator Francien ten Westrenen, Het Nieuwe Instituut
themes research, ecology, technology, co-habitation, multispecies empathy