Bureau LADALandscape  Architecture  Design  Action

Marticeva  —  Kvartovski Stol

Kvartovski stol is an incidental citizen’s platform. Initiated by the Desogn District Festival the first phase of the process consists of an analogue interactive ‘on street’ citizen’s mapping of the area, to be gradually reconceptualised as a creative neighbourhood. Aiming at long term involvment and local site - specific view on the topic process will be continued.
Citizen’s Platform | Participatory Design
Urban Regeneration Process -  Phase 01
Zagreb, HR ‘16 - ‘17
team Dafne Berc, Lada Hršak, Bojan Mucko urban theorist, architect, anhropologist
with Ira Payer, Marijana Rajcic
client Design District Zagreb

themes design, research, action, urban regeneration, participation, civil society